Ramadhan Kareem Part I : Syahrul Quran

by - May 12, 2019

Ramadhan is the month for us in rebuilding our spiritual strength.

We take this opportunity to get closer to our Creator, become the better version of us, and mainly we seek for guidance and blessings from Him. It is the month we want to ensure we benefit from it and do as many worships as possible.

Today marks the 7th day of Ramadhan, how is it going so far? I hope everyone is doing well and still constantly following your Ramadhan routines in shaa Allah Harus tetap semangat guys!

One week has passed by, where did the time go, you tell me. Undeniably, this Ramadhan has been really different for me, perhaps this time around I welcomed Ramadhan with hope - in becoming a better servant of Allah SWT, be a better daughter, student and friend or maybe, I am in need of Allah’s forgiveness in this month.

"Oh Ramadhan come forth, for the hearts are ill"

Ramadhan Kareem - as I mentioned in  the previous post, one of my goals is to memorize Juz Amma and Alhamdulillah the progress is pretty impressive. I finally find a way on how to ensure that I won't forget those surahs I've remembered - which is to perform solat Terawih.

8 rakaat - you get to read different surahs for 8 times, see I'm just so smart.

Ever since Ramadhan begins, I make more time with al-Quran. I would memorize any surah after Subuh, recite a page of al-Taubah after Zuhur, al-Waqiah after Asar, al-Kahf after Maghrib and al-Mulk before going to sleep. I wonder how I am able to do that every day despite the hectic schedule that I have. It is one of my humble way of making sure that I will always recite al-Quran. I believe you guys can do better.

I realized that the more time I make for Him, the more time He gives for me. Lately, I feel as if time is always there for me. Whenever I look at my To-Do-Lists every day; it would be a long sigh I swear, it seems impossible for me to juggle between studies and; memorizing or recite al-Quran, but I told myself – takde sikit masa pun yang membazir kalau kita buat untuk dapat redha Allah.

There are just way too many things need to be done at so little time tapi Ramadhan pun setahun sekali je datang and I don’t want to be among the lost (golongan yang rugi)
We never know if there will be another Ramadhan for us next year and there’s no guarantee for that.

Ramadhan is so special because it is the month of Quran, Syahrul Quran. We went through 11 months not making Al-Quran as our best friend, what makes us so confident to still not sparing some time for Al-Quran during Ramadhan?

Firman Allah dalam Surah al-Baqarah ayat 185:

"Bulan Ramadhan yang diturunkan padanya al-Quran sebagai hidayah (petunjuk) kepada manusia dan keterangan-keterangan tentang petunjuk dan pemisah antara yang hak dan yang batil"

I don’t know why but the verse from Surah Al-Baqarah somehow hit me in certain ways as if it gives me hope, and faith to whatever worries and burdens I have to face – that I am not alone, and there will always a way out of every difficulty. Allah Mus’ta an.

Doesn’t matter if you are not able to khatam al-Quran in this month, as long as there is progress and you will continue to make time for Al-Quran even after Ramadhan ends that matters. Let’s make this holy month as a medium for us to turn back to Allah SWT – do what He has permitted and leave what He has forbidden. Take this chance to improve ourselves especially in regaining our spiritual health.

Nabi s.a.w telah bersabda:

" Puasa dan al-Quran memberi syafaat kepada para hamba pada Hari Kiamat. Puasa berkata: "Wahai Tuhanku aku telah menhalangnya daripada makan dan minum serta mengikut syahwat pada siang hari, maka izinkanlah aku memberi syafaat kepadanya". Al Quran berkata: " wahai Tuhanku, aku telah menghalanginya daripada tidur pada malam hari, maka izinkan aku member syafaat kepadanya, lalu diterimalah syafaat keduanya"

(Hadis riwayat Ahmad, Ibnu Abi dunya, al-Tabrani dan Hakim)

You are never too late to start spending time with Al-Quran. Kita bukan hamba Ramadhan, tapi kita hamba Allah SWT - we make use of this holy month as a channel for us to make changes in becoming the better version of ourselves. 

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